BHIK Newsletter - December 2022

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Dear friends and supporters of BHIKU and St. Patrick School.

I bring you greetings and love from Uganda and from our school. As we conclude the school year 2022 allow me to express our gratitude for your incredible support in the Capital Development as mentioned by the Board president (in his pg.6 column) and many sponsorships for our kids. We can only commend you to God to bless you for your generosity.

I am happy to share that my health continues to be good, after my scare in August/September with type 2 diabetic attack. Am following the doctor's advice and now doing fine.

We are now winding up the school year. Government closing date was originally December 9, but because of the ongoing Ebola scare government has directed that all schools make adjustments and close on November 25 in order to control the spread. This could be a relief to some schools already struggling due to financial constraints because of high prices of food and fuel. One liter of gasoline which determines prices of many items (including food) is at an average of 6,500 UGX (which is approximately $6.65 /gallon) and so it has been tough to run business as usual.

However in general I can share that the school year has gone very well. Parents were very excited and happy when they came to visit the kids on October 15. Teachers and support staff are all upbeat because of the improvements on the campus in general, and especially that they all have living accommodations at the school. Some children often want to remain at school when it's time to close. We had big numbers of kids receive their first Holy Communion, and P.7 candidates and a few others also got the Sacrament of Confirmation. The P.7 candidates have now completed their National Examinations and ready to go home. We pray for their success as they get ready to move on to Secondary.

Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the Board members of BHIKU for their dedication, many voluntary hours of hard work and immense generosity. You are such a formidable force. Thanks for your service to the Lord.

As the president expresses in his column (pg.6) we now call upon you to support us as we embark on our last building on campus. This is our project for the upcoming calendar year in which I also celebrate my Silver Jubilee (25 years) as a priest. Stay tuned for more details but meanwhile keep me in your prayers.

I wish you a wonderful celebration of Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year of 2023.

Please be assured of our prayers always.

Fr. Julius Turyatoranwa (PhD)


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